love all these chubby Monk figurines...she has a gazillion...
Aunt Linda is an RN...she has lots of little nurse deco...Levi and I thought this particular deco was kinda spooky!
kara, soon this will be full of goodies and treats for you! awwww!
itty bitty mugs with each of Linda's kids names on 'em...I know you can't wait to have a cup of hot cocoa in this tiny mug.
Levi was Aunt Sharon's picture taking helper...she likes to get pix of each attendee in said head gear...Levi loves this gal, well both of these gals! Good Aunties.
Thanks to all of David's Dad's siblings that put the reunions together...I know it's a big deal and we appreciate your time and effort. Linda, thanks for opening up your cozy, never dull, cute home to all of us! It was nice visiting with you!
I'm blasted tired tonight...dealing with the Mollster at any function outside of home is I will not blog much, as I type, she is pulling out all of my scrappin' scraps and going "woooooow"......"wow"...I'll snap a pic to blog....garsh. Hope you had a splendid weekend and got all of your Christmas stuff caught up. I guess I should start shopping now.
Pressure's on. Peace.
I always tell my Mom that I never come home to the same place twice!! lol Just looking at your pictures I can already see things moved around. She cracks me up!! A few years ago I took video footage just walking around my Mom's house. My friends didn't believe me on how many knick knacks she has!! lol She is the Knick Knack Queen!! I am just a Knick Knack Princess :D
That stocking is as old as me. Cool eh:D Thanks for the pictures!! They made my night!
Wow, do those pictures make Moo look all grown up...well, sans the pacifier. ;) Love the antlers and other fancy headgear. And, that pieface RN looks scary to me, too. Ouch! Looks like a fun time was had by all. Even the older kids look like they are having fun. ;)
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