One of my readers asked if I had posted a pic of our living quarters (the house that the D-man built)on my blog...I'm sure there have been bits and pieces of it but here it's a simple place, yet, I believe it has a lot of character...from our brick wall in the lower level, to the spiral stairs next to the bright red flue from the wood's a fine place to be, to raise our kids, to have our friends and family visit, to feel safe when there's a weird January storm...we thank the Lord for our home!
Our house is undergoing some renovation...the upper porch that you see in the middle pic is leaving...right now, we have a makeshift, get thru the winter kinda porch...and then come spring, we will hopefully (if the economy doesn't drop too much) have the porch going out to our li'l pool, which will be soooo nice.
We are home allllll day so I will try to post again in a bit...drudge up some funny pix from the past...
Love the new blog look, sister!
We love your house. My kids call it the Treehouse. It's such a comfortable, cozy sort of place!
Love the pic of your house that D-man built. When can I come visit? Smooch.
I like the road apples included in the picture of the horse - nice touch, makes it very authentic! ; )
I've never seen your home sweet home - very nice. I'm very impressed w/ the craftsmanship - good work, D-man! Seriously.
I love your blog - it's always so interesting!
Heather beat me to it...i was going to comment on the horse's recycled lunch in the pic, but i really like "road apples" much better...That was just such an odd day...What are all of your kids doing in my mouth???
Sherry, we love that you guys call it the treehouse! that is such a cool name for it!
Nicky, you guys are welcome any ol' time...just say the word, busy girl.
Heather, Thanks Heather, for the nice compliments on D-man's house...road apples are my fave snack!
Becky, I'm gonna kick yo' butt next time I see u for saying that about my kids being in your mouth! (honestly, it took me a minute to figure out what you meant) durh.
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