these are two separate piles of firewood. we will be set for 2009/2010...when, I'm sure, the gas prices will be even moreso through the roof.
Howdy folks!
What's new over your way?
I know these tree cutting pictures are quite riveting...
We kinda think they are. we've already gone through one chainsaw and are on our 2nd. We have to 2 amazing piles of firewood...all of the branches and brushy stuff is cleaned up, the next two trees we would like to cut down are ready to go! We are busy bees. Good work, Will, Ethan, David, Jose, and Melanie (Levi even contributed...Good Job kiddo!)
I will wax eloquent no more...time to clean up the joint. Hope you are having a relaxing weekend. I'm not (choose joy. choose. joy.)
Too cute! At least, that's the buff boys. I love the picture of Levi working out with the older looks like he's thinking "What did I get myself into?" That picture makes me think of a sign that I see in the weight room...shirts are to be worn at all times (I was thinking that was to cover the girls more so than the boys.) Love you pile of wood...wish we had a fireplace. I don't have one, and mom and dad's is gas. I do love a nice wood fire. And, it's always good for smoking meat over.
Hope you had a good day! Hugs, T
wv: vinqlb
Ok. The comment about "No way, Jose.". That was BAD! But, admittedly had me lol!
The pic of the boys exercising just had me cracking up! After reading Jill's blog, I needed a smile. You're always good for that!
Just wanting to hug some dear friends tonight. Going through mc really sucks. But, God allows friends such as you to make life bareable in the worst of times. I love you, friend.
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