Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Mike got to meet Liz.

We had the pleasure of fellowshiping with some awesome "siblings" in Christ this past Saturday evening!

Mike and Pam B. are the incredible folks that head up Kaleo, Patria and Phos Ontos...They have been married for 17 years but doing ministry like this FOREVER! They make dealing with jr. high, high schoolers, and families on a weekly basis, in their home, look like a cake walk. and we all know it's NOT.

We met them over two years ago (March 2006)...Mike was speaking/teaching at our Family Life Skills Banquet...and we were at their table! their table? yes! They told us about their weekend ministries and we thought it sounded like something we'd like to do as a family. Jill, fellow BFF, and her family invited us to attend with them a month later...and the history.

Mike and Pam are so different that they are alike. They are both trim, active folks. Mike never sits much to do, so little time...always has a whistle so he can lead a game, he has a compassion that most should envy! He looks you RIGHT in the eye! He gets right down to the nitty gritty and is unashamed of the Gospel of Christ! Pam is more behind the scenes but NOT. she always has a GENUINE smile on her face, and though more quiet than her dear husband, she is not SHY! They are quite a team! They exude Christ...and after spending an evening with them, and their adopted (soon to be official) daughter from Haiti, Ellie...we are even more impressed than ever. Ellie will be three next month and she knows Bible stories better than most adults! and after only being in the States since November 07.

What's cool about them, though, is that they don't do the things they do to impress you. They don't care what ya think...and that is the best part. They do what they do for the Father, Son and Holy Spirit! There is so much more that could and should be said about these awesome people...but I will close for tonight.

Thanks, Mike, Pam, and Ellie, for sharing a Saturday evening with our family! We are blessed to know you!
Good night folks!


Anonymous said...

I love it that you and your family are Christians and that you fellowship with others who are like-minded - thanks for sharing your friends with us.
Love, Linda

Tory said...

As usual, you are a great photographer. Your pix always tell a great story. I really enjoyed see Liz. I didn't even know you have a pet. And, "she's" quite the guys rock! Hmmm, has Liz ever gotten loose? There must never be a dull moment in your house! Love ya', butta bean.