Thought I'd share some of the changes going on around our household...This new block wall area will receive some mulch...and make the presentation of our home a bit more welcoming....maybe. I'm thinking siding is next...though I don't notice the unfinished-ness of it...I love it the home that God has blessed us with...and know how far we've come here...lovin' it every step of the way. though I could do without all the mud. just a suggestion.
what have we here?
~Greetings on this mild, yet not so mild Wednesday, here in the Midwest. It's 57 degrees, and while the temps are mild, the wind and rain that is on it's way is NOT. ~
~warning: deep thoughts...leave now if you must....~
~I set off on my first two of 10 miles today, and while it was sprinkling a bit...I figured I'd be safe to get it started without much moisture. Ha. ha. The God of all Creation had other plans. But ya know what? it was kinda cool. to watch those trees sway back and forth in the forceful winds and to see and feel the rain drench me physically...was quite spiritual. I always try to use my exercise experiences as a worship time (and not worship of myself, mind you)...sometimes, I can't help but raise my face up to the sky...or (gasp!) raise up my hands. I was raised so very conservative BAPTIST...and we don't do that usually in this denomination. I'm not so very conservative Baptist anymore...I'm more and more just a forgiven child of that Creator of this amazing universe and planet Earth. Whatta place to be! Emmanuel. God IS with us! whoa. Adonai...I lift up my heart...and I cry...My Adonai...maker of each moment...and a really good reason to CHOOSE that JOY (right Shellee??)....It's so easy to forget that God has given us these moments...and how we, that is deep.
~Ok, well thanks for letting me get deep on ya...I do occasionally have some pretty deep never fails to surprise me. (I just re-read thru it and I sound like a whack job, right?)
~God Bless you this day and as you go about your moments...remember, you are being watched (don't mean that to sound creepy)...and you can't change what happens to you or what your circumstances are (usually).... but you can change how you receive those circumstances, situations...and our responses are in our control.
**Shellee...I just have to say was so very nice to talk to you on the phone yesterday. What a completely unexpected surprise and treat....all the way from Nayoro, Japan...(did I spell that right? I lost my paper that I had it written on...) Momma to 8 little boys (whoa...that was NOT a typo, folks) and her and her family are missionaries to the Japanese...more to come on this but Greetings to you, dear Sister in Christ! You are in our thoughts and prayers!
Those are some good lookin' boys!!! (enter cat call, even though that might be kinda creepy since i'm related to 3/4 of them). Great work, can't wait to see the finished product...
HI SHELLEE!!!! :) xoxo, BECKY
Very industrious! It always amazes me the new products and ventures that are going on at your house. I'm thinking that it is certainly never dull at your house. Where do the men in your life come up with all of these projects? It's cool, but really, I never think of things like retaining walls or replacing siding. One thing, teaching the boys well, it is!
Hugs, t
Hey Laurie! I really enjoyed talking with you too! yes, you did spell it right, great job! Once again, great post! I haven't forgotten about the pics to send you, but thought I would wait and add snow festival pics too. Duane and I get to go on a date to the snow festival tonight, I am excited! Talk to you more later....take care! Ja ne,(see you later) Shellee
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