Levner, you ask? Yeah, it's a horrible nickname that E. has bestowed onto poor Levi. We aren't sure where it came from but it has stuck...and Levi is not too happy about it, either.
This mummy shirt is way cool. When Tom took the kids to the art museum's Egyptian artifact exhibit this past Saturday, he couldn't resist getting this shirt for Levi, since Levi couldn't go with them.
Soooo, that's that...we are out the door to help grandma straighten up the place for the coming relative visit...Peace out, y'all!
**Edit**After much debate and a few good suggestions, the votes are in and the nickname that made me laugh the most and is most descriptive of Levi is................drumroll..............Levmealone.......sent in by dear cousin, Tory!! Love it. classic and oh so true! Levner IS quite horrible, and we only call him that when we want to torture him, which, I guess, is quite often where his sibs are concerned! Thanks guys!
Oh, cleaning, how fun. As a matter of fact, I am avoiding that right now. Good pick on the shirt, Tommy! He is such a generous uncle.
I'm with Levi on the nickname as it doesn't even seem to fit him. Tell E that he is more clever than that, and he should go back to the drawing board. Hahahaha...try "Levmealone", or "Levimeister" or maybe even "LeviSkywalker". Anything better than sounding like he's a rising agent (for bread).
All the best to Levi and Kindergarten. He sure looks all grown up.
Cute shirt. Hope we get it in a hand me down pile two years from now.
Teige's nickname for Levi is "LeeLie" Of course, he hasn't learned how to pronounce the "v" sound yet, so we don't know if that one will stick either. I like Tory's idea of "Levmealone"
I like "LeeLie", too...still better than the Levner. :)
hey laurie!! how are ya? levi is such a little cutie - regardless of the nickname :)
ps - sky would love that shirt!
Hey, I was just about to comment that it's actually Wednesday when I realized that there was an EDIT. Yay, I actually won something! I just want to thank my mom, dad, the academy and all of the little people. Hahahaha...Hope you are having lots of Indiana fun. Love ya, kiddo.
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