Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Bloomington trip and Levi/Pa Birthday festivities!


shadows are cool

this stuff is not. even though I know it serves a purpose. eww. :)

Mel and Moll with the skeery guys


just Mel

Levi looks thrilled. He had to go to the bathroom badly

Ethan my boy

Willi Vanilli

preparing to indulge at the ol' Olive Garden

The October boys requested this trip to Bloomington 

Guess who's NINE??

I think this was a self-portrait.

present time

Angry Bird pj pants. Levi loves to play this game on Mel's phone


I like this throng of female present passer outers

whirling dervish

pretty girls

best friends forever, or until one of them gets hormonal

We also celebrated Dad's birthday. His 64th in fact.

Cake friends

So, I'm a force to be reckoned with today, eh? two, count 'em, TWO blog posts in one day...and more just a-waiting in the wings.

Without further ado...here are the pics from Levi's birthday weekend, nearly two weeks ago.

Can you believe it's November 16th already?

Time to clean off Jack's grave for the winter, from what I hear. Isn't it weird that I even have to consider this?? Shouldn't I be worrying because he's drooling everywhere, cutting teeth, rolling around, fighting diaper rash and getting the Bumbo seat out?

it's just not cool that he is not here. we all miss him, we all try to find ways to keep his precious memory alive. I wear jewelry that has his picture on it or my bird nest necklace with six eggs, the word JOY on it. With Christmas quickly approaching, JOY is everywhere.

Can you believe that a child so bathed in prayer, even giving him initials that imply one of the fruits of the spirit, was not even given the chance to live outside of his mother's womb? Makes me wonder...God is up to something.

on that note, time for Gunsmoke, stars and hopefully bed. I have so many pix to blog...hint: Molly, with marker on her cheeks is my favorite upcoming picture...or the new metal covering we FINALLY put on the chimney flue hole...or all the stars that we are hanging all. over. the. house.

Good night. God bless you...hug your loved ones CLOSE, affectionately. We are never promised tomorrow.

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