the lovely Hannah R. The lovely Alisha wouldn't look up for me! she was too busy writing down her findings before she forgot them, I suppose!
Will, getting into his lab report! (can I just say, um, who is this young man? where did my little chubby faced happy boy go? we are stuck with this rubber faced Dick Van Dyke -which is his nickname since he really acts a lot like D.V.D, and makes a lot of his expressions)
Levi standing with our discarded experiments...
Weird Science!!
So, we started our Science studies, full speed ahead! I told you about this in yesterday's the the approach! Love that my kids are finally getting to take part in some experiments and with such a group as it is! These are the pictures to prove it...and yes, it may look like I didn't get any pix of E...but he just so happened to have his back to me and being so into experimenting, he couldn't pull himself away to pose for me. Can't blame 'im. In fact, it was kinda difficult to get any of them to really pose for me...though you can see that Will had no trouble! (poser) and the lovely Miss Hannah, she will always stop for a smile! Gracias...
my fave experiment was the Density one...Karo syrup, veggie oil, and water in a glass...drop some different objects in, such as a grape, rock, cork, ice cube...and see where they land. Cooooool!
the balloon on the 2 liter one was cool also...dealing with chemical reactions...baking soda, cabbage water, stuff like that...the balloon was supposed to stay blown up but I was in with the "younger" kid crew (love ya kids) and they liked to paw everything! what can I say? they'll learn. just hope not the hard way. :)
I guess I should get this posted and get on with my evening!
Ughh! That pic of me wasn't the greatest I've ever seen! I was sweaty and I feel bad for Alisha and Ethan who had to sit next to me, having to smell my gross underarms! Yuck! But that's okay, I'll deal with it.
Yeah the science stuff rocks! I thank you moms for helping us out. Well I hope to see you guys sometime this week for Kaleo!
YEA SCIENCE! HOW FUN! I'm so excited that you guys are so into your science stuff! It is so much fun!!! Great Job!!!
xoxo B
Okay, first...the word verification just made me spell "Ubtob." That's hilarious.
This looks so fun! I wish we did science stuff like this. Too kool!
(Because as Zandra was sure to inform us this week, "cool" is Constipated, Overrated, Out-of-style, Loser!) No more cool for me...
What fun that must have been! LOL!
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