Sunday, December 30, 2007

Goodbye California Boys! Hello 2008!

Andy with Charlie and Duncan
Cutie Pie Charlie
Mr. Serious Dunkalunk...(he wakes up just the way his dad did as a child, and still does)
Vince holding Molly Moo
My brothers and my nephews
My kid brother, Andy, and his sons, were here for Christmas...these are pix from yesterday morning, when they got up bright and early to head up to the airport!! Charlie is 4 and Duncan is 6.5. They are cute boys and it was nice to have them here...they both played very well with my kids. We will miss you guys! Maybe the Lord will call you to this area of the country again someday. (soon??) The guy with Molly (at 7 a.m.) is our good family friend, Vince. He's a nice, helpful kinda guy!

Otherwise, the down time after Christmas has been nice...I feel so lazy and not myself. We have all been fighting some sickness, thankfully not the stomach upheaval kind. Tomorrow night is our annual New Year's Eve bash. If I haven't invited you yet, you are more than welcome to come...come one, come's usually a crazy, wild time...Nerf guns, games, the Hustle and lots of other crazy "dancing" (though we are all quite "white" and did not get the dancing gene), food, fun come on down!! 8 p.m.

I will post some pix from years past parties...

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