Monday, October 25, 2010

guess who's turning EIGHT?

He was such a little kitty of a baby....

hee heee...this makes me LOL!

and you should see him in this sweet outfit NOW....

Levi's 8th birthday is coming up on Sunday, October 31. I find it rather hard to believe that he will actually be this old.

He was just born.

and I'm listening to him out on the front porch, as he plays Go Fish with Mel...whining and saying "I'm telling Mom....."

On this day, and by now, my mom has boarded a plane for California. This was the day last year that we got HOME from our Great Adventure. she's going out to help my bro with his boys. we shall miss her.

Also, today is my dad's 63rd birthday...(raw deal for him but she did leave him a fridge full of yummy food).

Happy Birthday, Jimmy! We love you...

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