Monday, July 30, 2007

Rocky Balboa

not such a flattering pic but he's struggling today....this
was in mid-afternoon on 7/30 (plus, he needs a haircut)

See the difference? this was at 11:30 p.m. of the same day....
Poor E...he got royally slammed in the ol' peeper last night! These pix are the reason that I am glad my kids have not expressed an interest in playing baseball...not that I wouldn't let them. I'm just glad soccer is their thing at this point in their lives. Baseball scares me...that little ball gets to whizzing and watch out!! Well,'s to you, tuff little dude! I actually think you kinda like the way your face looks with this shiner! and that's earned it! Thank the Lord for Arnica, a nice herbal ointment that has helped considerably with his bruising. Ok, well I'm off to bed but will post the Levi hair trials in the a.m. Good night!

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