Thursday, June 7, 2012

Mel's Party update

birthday partyers...
Mel got flowers from her Dad and brothers.

our little kitchen chalkboard was even mustachioed


The iced coffee/goody table

the stove was even mustachioed

lovely gang of kids. Molly, Sarah (green shirt), Madison (purple shirt), Hayley (grey sweatshirt), Will,  Ethan, Annie, Melanie...

Hayley had to leave


Miss P, her momma and sis stopped in for some photo booth fun!
Well good evening!
I've got a lot of updating to do but not sure how much I will actually accomplish tonight...I've hit a wall tonight. Plum tuckered. Let's see, what can I throw on here....

1.)  Ethan cut a tree down tonight. whatta guy. I went to the library with #3-5. We all swam in the freezing cold pool today. I'm just full of fun news, ay?
2.) 49 Thursdays ago, we were sitting at Community South at this very hour, passing Jack's shell around numbly, tearfully, prayerfully.  I can hardly fathom that in a smidgen over three weeks, we will be holding his Balloon Launch. Just so ya know, you're invited...I'd like to have a balloon for you, if you'd like to release one, so please let me know if you wanna be here with us.
3.) I accomplished Day 5 of Stage 10 of the Run your Butt Off program tonight. Not sure what stage 11 looks like but I know it won't be less than 2-13 minute sessions. eek. I know the Color Run training program (the 5K we are doing on July 28th) has a stage that has you running two 15 minute sessions and the last one is 30 minutes straight. I have really enjoyed pushing myself, strangely, as I've said on here many times, and get pretty stoked to see how much harder I can run a day or two later...but the whole 30 min straight? yeah....that freaks me out a little bit. (but I am so excited to try it!) dorky eh?

And there is plenty more where this came from...but Levi is waiting for me to read to him and honestly, my legs and body are JUST DONE for tonight.

God bless you...


Unknown said...

Love the sweet party pics :) I would love to "BE THERE" that Jacks balloon release! Praying for you as that day draws near.

Jodi said...

I love this post.
I love seeing all of the sparkly mustaches and the sparkly eyes.
I love to see you putting one step in front of the yourself the freedom to mourn and allowing others to mourn with you. You have been the model of what it looks like to lean on God.
I love you dearly, girl!