Thursday, June 9, 2011

Mel turned 13...over a week ago.

Mel's Zebra ring...

We coerced her to get out of the pool to open gifts, and she was none too thrilled at being in her bathing suit with wet hair for these pix. O well.

I still really find it hard to believe that this girl is a teenager now. In true teenager form, she's texting (but not ridiculously, tho she DOES manage to catch every text from her friends and somehow MISS the ones from me....hmmmm), she is primping and beginning to take an active interest in self care. And she rolls her eyes and acts rather annoyed with me. I have a solution for that. but I won't blog about it.

Yes, I'm a horrible mother. I'm just NOW blogging for Mel's birthday. Because she has managed to acquire David's HTC EVO phone, I think she can forgive me, us, for the busyness of the past week +.

We had her party the same day as our Memorial Day picnic. It was a nice, hot day to be in the pool. She got lots of nice things and money to spend on some clothing, make-up and whatever else struck her fancy. I think it's all gone now. dang.

So now I have 3 teenaged bodies in my house. In all honesty, so far, it's not as bad as I've heard. I do truly believe I have three of the nicest kids around so that helps. They've had to deal with a lot over the years and they're growing into some fine young adults. I do thank the Lord for that...a definite blessing.

In other news, I feel kinda crappy today. I think that's a good sign. I just need to have this baby. soon. I hope to be able to blog about ________ ___________ Young very soon!!


Tory said...

I am certain that Mel is very understanding. And, me, I am just thankful to have another little glimpse into your intriguing life. You are one of the most fascinating people that I know! And, while I am sorry that you are uncomfortable, I know that it means that #6 is soon to surprise us. We are praying for ya'll.

Duane and Shellee said...

I am praying for you that you have the baby soon! BTW, I think you are a great Mom! Love Mel's cake, too cute.
Loved the baby shower pics too, can't wait to hear about your new little man making his appearance! You'll do great & I'm praying that it won't be a long labor.

BIG hugs and prayers my friend,