Every time I look at it, I nearly choke. Where have the last 15 years gone?
Really, I'm going to turn around and Will is going to be scooting around on the floor, or flailing his arms and legs because he's so SO ACTIVE and such a spaz....right?
Well, this is for all of you with itty bitty ones...soak it up for me today. I miss my yiddle guy. He's still here...just a little bit taller, and that sweet baby smell IS GONE. (lemme tell YOU)...but thankfully, he's still just as smiley, trusting, kind, open and awesome...for that, I'm praising God tonight...I have 5 of the best kids around.
I love you, Will, Ethan, Melanie, Levi and Molly. I am not really worthy of being your mother...but for some reason, He sees me as worthy. I will never understand that....
This title is weird. I know. but my sister in law, Natalie, and her hubby, Nick (see Sept 2009) are expecting their first little bundle...and that always makes me nostalgic. new life. nothing like it. a gift to be cherished most certainly...
Good night everybody...