Tuesday, April 30, 2013

don't talk about me like I'm not here....

I think it's safe to say that this guy will be moving back to Indy. He hasn't lived here since he was a young pup. This is my yiddle brudda Andy. Since leaving, he has spawned forth these three beautiful kiddies. Duncan will be 12 next month, Charlie will be 10 in July and Phebe just turned 7 in January. We are pretty flippin' excited!

So these next pix are obviously super duper old but I love them and will use them because 1.) they are precious and 2.) I have been stinking at taking pix with my cam and 3.) I'm kinda too lazy to download pix from my phone to here and if you are my friend on Instagram or Facebook, it'd be old news anyways. I know you just come here to hear my fanciful words and to laugh at my dorkiness. it's ok.

apparently, I loved to put Molly in this legging outfit. (I really did!) because she has it on in a lot of pictures. How can you honestly resist chubby baby legs in leggings? I can't. I squeeze.

I love that we put them on this bar and then....

ditched them....well, not really ditched them but left them hanging long enough to take pictures that we will put up at their open houses so their friends can laugh and think to themselves "Wow! Your mom was sorta mean!!" (2008 ish)

She has never been as sweet and approachable as Mel was. I won't hold that against her but I don't blame others for doing so. She is aloof.
and oh so cute! (2009)

This is how we homeschool. or at least used to...these pix are from 2009 I believe.
I sincerely have sooooo much catching up to do, I don't even know where to start. I may cry.

more than I already do.

and before I forget, as if I'd ever forget...this little chubster has been with Jesus Christ for 22 months today.  I know in Glory, that time means nothing, that it is something we use on this side...is he 22 months old now or how does that work? I dunno. I just know it really struck me the other day that I long to see him smile. long so intensely that I just start that weird weeping thing and water floods my eyeballs.
The little open-mouthed grin that babies do...and I prayed and asked God to let me see that when I get there. his eyes. are they light blue like his sister Molly's? would the crazy hair have stayed? What I'd give to sniff that little temple up above and nuzzle his extra chubby, delicious cheeks. He will always be perfect.

He is our little heavenly ambassador...His life had purpose...He was not a mistake for God makes no mistakes and He wastes NOTHING.

Happy 22 months in heaven, Jack Oliver Young. I miss you so so SO much.

Today is as follows:
Gymnastics at 12:15 (for Molly. ha ha)
Gear up for an extremely busy day tomorrow, which is as follows:

Drop L and M off to my parentals house and proceed to the Indiana Repertory Theatre, one of our favorite places....to watch A Midsummer Night's Dream.
View this until at least 12 Noon.
Drop whoever off that goes with us and retrieve the Levner and Mooski.
Hope to get something done at home before embarking on a CHiPs dream at our church. Yes, our church. Erik Estrada is hosting a viewing of a movie he is involved in called Finding Faith. I have to get there early so I can get his autograph and greet! WooooHOOOO.
David and Will? you ask? yes, they are out of town in Ft. Wayne, missing all of this excitement and hullabaloo!

Ok, I need to run so I can get this party started.

Many many more thoughts and good, cool, amazing, Godly things to share but it will all have to wait until at least Friday, when I find a minute to breathe again.

Love to all and prayers for my friends....

Friday, April 12, 2013

blinded by the Light...

every time I go to add a caption, blogger moves the pic I'm captioning to the top. grrrrr.  anyways, I love these little dollbabies.
little friends and possibly spouses. I dunno...this is when they went thru their married phase. oh boy.
I seriously miss this little button head.  she adds such joy to our lives.
my tiny lady
my tiny man

I will admit, I don't take many pix with my camera anymore. I go through phases.
I'm in an Instagram phase. I love Instagram.

A lot.

so, until I find an easier way to transfer those pix here, you will have to bear with me and enjoy some li'l blasts from the past. I cannot believe that these people up above are not 13, 12, 10, 6 and 1 anymore. (I'm estimating on their ages. this was 2008!!)

You know what's totally cool?
That I have an 18 year old son who will still give me a hug and a kiss. Right now, he has a big ol' head of hair, he works out often and he's tall and thin. He looks a lot like his Dad with just enough of me to make him tolerable. ha hahahahah. just kiddin, David. not that you ever read my blog but ya know.
I also have a 17 year old son who is excited about planting a garden with his Uncle John this year. He is always concerned for my safety and when he's not around, I don't feel as safe. After all, he is a karate man...He's our lethal weapon. We found a pic of my family back when Beck was a baby on...My Dad is standing behind us and MAN, it's amazing how much E looks like my father! I love it!
I have this funny girl who isn't afraid to tease me (well, mostly. she may be sort of afraid to tease me but she can handle my bad moods). She is growing in her creativity, having just painted a mural on her bedroom wall with her friend, Mati. I will have to blog that soon!!
I have this amazingly tender 10 year old boy who left his iPod in his pants and it got washed. It is broken. He wanted to blame the iPod but it was a totally teachable moment and I was able to tell him that it was not the iPod's fault. I have a strict policy that I will do all of your wash but you are responsible for emptying pockets, separating undies from pants and stuff like that. That 10 year old is growing in responsibility daily and his reading skills are getting better all the time. His tender heart and loving spirit are gifts we don't deserve.
And that 5 year old little sprite...she loves Jello right now, her 100 number chart (give her a # and she will do her best, usually succeeding, to find that #) and being able to sound out letters/words. She is a SPONGE and brings such exuberance to this home. In her Kindy class at White River last week, they were focusing on character and her teacher asked her what word she thought of when she heard J...she said "My baby brother, Jack. I miss him." Her teacher shared this with me.
I don't mean to ever imply that life is perfect or that we don't struggle...because we have had our share of (horrendous) struggles this past 2 years. Seems that from June of 2012 to now, the Lord has been shaping and refining each of us and I have to say, it is very encouraging to see 1.) the way in which He works and 2.) how He works out every detail. I want to shout it from the rooftop that I am a Child of the King and I want you to be too! There will be more on this soon...
David is busy promoting/seeking more work and marketing. His company has a new website you should go check out...youngfinalfinish.com. He has recently signed his company up for the Chamber of Commerce in Franklin, at the encouragement of his good friend, Michael Baun...The Danish Guy who has a chimney sweeping business. I am taking on a smidgen of responsibility working with him, doing payroll and other things like that.
The Craft Liberation is two weekends from now. Kellie Nowacki has a contagious exuberance and mad creative skills to go along with it. I cannot WAIT to showcase some of the pics that I will surely take THAT weekend. Last night, we were up till 2 a.m. working on the name tags for each of the attending ladies. I love being around such creativity and positivity.
Ok...gotta go...so much more to be said but my time is up on here!!
Love and Peace to you...God bless you!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

hang on...this is a lil bit random...

Molls N Bean

This hangs next to my bed. I'm trying to make it more than a pretty suggestion.
I'm embracing it.

This is Ethan James Young.
He makes a rare Livin' the JOY-filled Life appearance

These pix are completely outta order, as usual.
This was taken in Champaign, IL a few weeks ago. We made a trek there to see the Winter Jam.
TobyMac, Newsong, Matthew West, Jamie Grace, Sidewalk Prophets (who I missed because I was searching hi and low for flippin' cotton candy but that's ok. everyone said they were AWESOME!!)
anywho...I thought this pic of Molly and I was kinda cute. for us. She was, in fact, quite sick! slept thru most of the Jam and the next day. She did perk up to spend time with her lil Ryan and Adelaide cousins.

this...ohhh, this.
grilled turkey burger, no bun and a side of spaghetti squash.
I'll blog more about this later on.

so this was the night we got home from Winter Jam...little miss perky pants was starting to feel better. We were laying on the living room floor. We currently don't have a couch. and that's ok with us.

the epitome of cuteness.

this pic should be with the Scott being mauled by Nora and Molls pic. Is this springy wreath not the cutest thing since this pic of Erik Estrada below?

this. just makes me laugh.
He will be at our church on May 1, 2013, promoting his new movie.
More deets later.
If I remember.
Until then...have a laugh at this hilariously happy pic of Ponch.

I mean, really, if she wasn't so golldarned cute....
love this ramen noodle butt.

Oh look, one of the pix from the Winter Jam. The disco ball was extremely coolio.

outta order...all the way around. these little ladies love their daddy uncle guy.

I had the ladies one day after gymnastics. we got some springy flowery pinwheels and trekked out to Jack's grave.  Zoom in on this pic for some priceless expressions.
and btw, I still love to hear/talk/cry about my precious glory baby.
When these little people (and not so little people) bring him up? yeah, it makes my heart soar.
I will never ever forget him and it's nice when others say his name.

Melanie, Melanie...what would we do without your documentation of life?
Love you, sweet girl.
I really really need to blog. Sorry I didn't get on here this weekend, as I told my loving father I would.
The weather was so nice and we spent any time we could out doors or being too busy.

Seriously. I have so many thoughts and things I am thankful for tonight...

1.) That our nieces, Abbey and Alexandra were found after some very scary moments last weekend.
2.) That I serve a Risen Savior and He's in the world today. He has done so much to show Himself to me and for that, I wanna shout it from the mountaintop. Or maybe the rooftop so you'd have a better chance of hearing. Jesus Christ. There is POWER in that name.
3.) So many great family members and friends that just make me smile.
4.) My awesome kids (really, really incredible!!) and their out of this world dad.
5.) The way that the Lord Jesus works things out. Too many situations to write and some need to remain sorta private but wow!! When we obey, He honors.
6.) Good health. Lungs and legs that allow me to jump on my treadmill and spit out 2.25 miles of walking/running (high intensity spurts, which I hear are so good for you) on our tready.
7.) Lovely weather that reminds us that spring is coming and how beautiful that is.

Ok....time to hit the hay. I am driving Aunt Sherry to her doctor appt in the morning and this cat (ME) will have to be up early. (for me, early...7:15)

I do hope that this finds you well and healthy, thanking the Lord for another day to praise Him.
Nice to see you today, Lela, Duncan 1, Duncan 2, Luke, Ray, Rachel, Melissa, Christy....at our bimonthly Incredible Pizza Bible study.

Ok really.
Good night.