Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Gimme all the hearts…

 I've always loved Valentine's Day. I love pink n red, hearts, doilies, fringe, vintage cards, candlelight eating, romance and all the schmooze that goes with it.

If you hadn't heart yet, we have this cool house south of Indy...and on January 20, 2023, I'll be hosting my third Ladies' Craft Hang Out. The first two, as pictured in my post from a few days ago, was so much fun, that we had a second one on Dec. 9, 2022....I believe women are hungry for fellowship, creativity, purpose, acknowledgment and encouragement! We believe that the Lord has called us to do that with these evenings. So far, so good! It is so much fun....we laugh, chat, laugh more, create, eat and drink stuff...such a blast.

Let me know if you'd be interested in joining us...

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