Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Hope deferred maketh the heart sick....

On August 19, Molly discovered that some type of local wildlife (dogs, foxes, we aren't sure but we think roaming dogs) broke into the bunny shed (former chicken shed) and took our bunnies. We found Esther in the yard, deceased...such sadness. These were her pals...she mothered them extra good after Oliver died....This poor girl.

Our firstborn son with his firstborn son.

I'm seriously still in such awe of how amazingly these two have coped. That is not to say that they don't have bad days, tears or anger...cuz they do. But there is a maturity and a trust deeply rooted in Will and in Joy that is not of this world. Watching them walk this road has been such a gift. Does that make sense?
I hope so.

Four generations of Franklin. L to R: Carl Franklin Young, David Franklin Young,
Will Franklin Young, Oliver Franklin Young
This is a punch to the gut.

no appropriate words
only tears.

a little casket in a big hearse. 

My pictures of the graveside service would not load and then I realized that they were here we have Joy's dad, Tom, saying a few words and praying. Each grandpa said some words and Oliver's Great-Grandpa Pete even spoke. Our pastor, Matt, spoke and our worship pastors, Jay and Abby led us in some beautiful worship. I'll try to get some of those pix up but they may not be in order.

So thankful for Aunt Mel. This was at the dinner at our house, that my amazing friend, Melissa and sisters from Southland provided for us. Simply amazing.

The circle stone is Oliver's spot...the blue flowers is Jack's spot. Though neither kid being here was a part of OUR plans, it does bring a measure of comfort to know they are so "close" to each other. 

Oliver is such a beautiful combination of his adorable parents.
He'd be 3.5 months old now and it is so comforting to imagine what he'd be doing,
what he'd look like, and all that fun baby stuff. I wish he was here...
but then I read a silly or heart breaking news story and I thank the Lord
that he missed this whole old nasty world. still.....
Hi blog visitors....

Remember when I said I'd blog more often? yeah, I'm sorry about that...somehow it just hurts to visit it...It's not like Facebook where you can just dive in and dive out, leaving your friends with only snippets of life....I feel like I owe this sacred space some time and good recording....

I'm gearing up to blog I'll leave this post as is and move on.

1 comment:

Shellee said...

My dear sweet friend. It’s so good see you back on the blog, though I can only imagine the level of difficulty that it is to post. Please know that you are thought of so very often and prayed for. I check the blog frequently and pray for your family and for Will and sweet Joy. Your transparent clinging to the Lord Jesus through this great trial is a comfort and blessing to see. Love you my friend and wish the miles weren’t so many between us so that we could sit and enjoy a cup of tea and maybe cry and pray together.
Praying for you,