Monday, November 3, 2014

virtual journal

Feeling super thankful for this online journal today....thankful for the peeps that read along with me! Sending out lotsa love to you today....your love, prayers and blog visits keep me going.

This past Thursday, October 30, 2014, was Jack's 40th month away from us.

Found it kinda funny that it was a Thursday. I didn't make it to his grave that day, due to the union audit and general weariness of the week so we made the effort to get there after our morning service yesterday...all 7 of us, visiting his little earthly plot. 7 sets of feet that wanted so much to chase that little fella...

7 sets of eyes that wanted to look at his precious face...

7 noses that wanted to sniff his glorious baby self...yeah, I know, he'd be well past 3 by now, probably smelling more like a worm than a glorious baby now but still....

7 sets of hands that wanted to toss him in the air,  hold his hand or show him how to build Lego things...

7 hearts that ache for heaven a little bit more every day...

But 7 hearts that also praise the Lord for the gift of Jack, for if it wasn't for him?

We wouldn't really truly know just how blessed we are, how good and strong our God is and just how fantastic Heaven will be when we get there...when we see the face of our Savior and our little heavenly ambassador (though I can't wait to see just what Jack is like when we do get there...a man, a baby, a small boy??? ooh, I can't wait to see)

Just thinking of that sweet boy this morning...always....hope your Monday is off to a good start...I pray that this week is chill and that the daunting things our family faces are met with grace and goodness.

Thank You, Lord!


Duane and Shellee said...

So thankful for you my friend!! Thank you for praying for me and my family!

Unknown said...

My 11th this month was a Tuesday