Happy Campers...what a great group of youngsters!

Fun Guys...

Started out on that big ol' ship that goes baaaack and fooooorth...pretty tame...still kinda scary. Natalie, your shirt is glowing....

Mel's first roller coaster, The Adventure Express....it was a blast.

Will and E. on the Adventure Express...

forgot what ride this is...but that ride in the background? it's the Son of Beast...and it wasn't running...which was kinda spooky to me.

going up the scary climb in the Adven. Exp.

Flight Deck...who takes pictures while on a fast moving roller coaster?

Mel and Will didn't go on Invertigo...and she's pretty sure this is a picture of us on it. maybe not. who knows? I'm gonna say yeah. I screamed the whole ride.

this is that swing ride...see the two people in the bottom right? That's Mel and Natalie. I'm such a tool to be taking pics while on a thrill ride...

I think this is the Adventure Express...

David, throwing his hands up...and I think this is the Racer. but I'm not certain.

This is for you, Levi...the Spongebob action ride...a 3-D adventure...wow.

Backlot Stunt Coaster, a spin off of the Italian Job...our car was a Mini Cooper...this is no one we know but it's a great shot nonetheless...Mel's favorite ride...we did this one twice it was so much fun!

these next few shots are from 275 ft. up...ahhh...in the Eiffel Tower replica

This is the newest coaster, Diamondback....awwwwwe-some ride! amazing.

I think this is the Vortex...

275 feet up in the air. we weren't excited. we were clinging to life here...

Mystery machiners...

David and his little map

this is the climb up on the Diamondback...so cool. so scary.

horribly unattractive...but at least E's cute.

that there is the biggest Rubik's cube I ever did see, I reckon

Mel and Nat gearing up on the Stunt coaster.

Getting ready to ride our second water ride...the wild thornberry's something or other!

Natalie and Mel making puddles....I think they got the most soaked on each water ride...Natalie Definitely...and she was wearing jeans. poor girl!

Look-alike soakers

a good ending to a wonderful day! we are all soaked here....

Levi and Aunt Nat...doing tattoos...
Ahhh. I'm definitely NOT as young as I used to be. It's been almost exactly 16 years since I was last there. 2 months before I married Daveyboy.
I knew that. I did. And I have to admit, I jumped onto those rides a lot easier than I thought I would. I looooove a good roller coaster. something about it. But put me at the top of a tall structure/building? yeah, not so good. We went to the top of that fake Eiffel Tower that is at King's Island....and it kinda sways in the breeze (275 feet up there)...Mel and I were hilarious...clinging to the inside area....ahhhh. skeery.
All in all, we had a great time...weather was nearly perfect...a tad hot for me...but quite thankful that Natalie came over from Ill. to be not only that sixth person but also a great auntie to Mel. They sat some of the scarier, tummy turning rides out and it was neat to know Mel could be with Natalie. Thanks...we really appreciate it! and we love you.
And thanks Mom, Dad, Becky, for all of your help with #4 and #5....it was so nice to know that they were in good hands! Gracias! We love you guys too!
Ok, so now, on to the next big event of the week....our trip to Holland is tomorrow thru Friday....hopefully, thanks to Beck, I can blog while we are gone....she's letting me use her laptop. u rock, B. Hope this finds you well....God Bless You!
In the words of Scooby..."Zoykes"! You guys sure are busy this week, but it all sounds like fun. I honestly cannot remember the last time that I went to an amusement park. But, the pictures did a good job of bringing me up to date. ;) Have a good time in Holland.
Hugs, cuz!
hey, nice to see you, cousin!!
glad you visited the ol' blog! how's school going?
miss talkin' with you...hugs, L
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