I'm on my own, free bird, to resume juggling my life...which consists of a lot, if you know me. I mean, David alone is a full time job, add his 5 kids to the mix, their education (yikes and yowza), and any health/Laurie time....not a lot left...zapped. Courtney's Tuesday/Thursday childcare days were a lifeline...a magical 16 hrs each week where I could run Mel to piano without disturbing nap time, running errands without the in the seat, outta the seat dance we mother's get so good at.
So, just wanted to say Thanks...Courtney, for being so available, patient (whoa, you are PATIENT girl!), kind and caring to not just Levi and Molly (and quite frankly, they are the 2 kids that it is hardest to be patient with most of the time...though the teens are catching up!)...but with Will, Ethan, and Melanie. I know Mel really loved having Courtney here...like a big sister that didn't make fun of her or beat her up.
I'm really depressing myself now, realizing all the good that she brought to our lives.
Her journey is just beginning....she is heading off to Bible College this very Monday...Can't wait to see God at work in this amazing young chick. God Bless you, Courtney. And really, thanks again for being here.
Bye bye...
We'll miss you.
Have fun @ college.
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