no better friends than these two. (it's a love/grump thing)
My faithful bro in law, Scott, came down to help tend the big brush fire we had going on Tuesday...David and E left town, Mel and I were out running errands with the two young'n's so he, being the pyromanic that he apparently is, came to make sure it didn't make it to the the house. Thanks, Scott!
trying on her new sundresses for me.
this kid....ahhh. good thing she's adorable. (this pic reminds me of Will)
It's Friday! Good Friday to be exact. Today we remember what Jesus Christ did for us on the cross. Though, as followers of Christ, we will hopefully remember it, dwell on it, appreciate it and praise Him for it daily. Thank You, Jesus.
Will comes home from his SBWW tomorrow and we couldn't be happier (though he may not be too thrilled because I looked thru his Algebra notebook with my amazing math teacher friend, Jen, and saw some holes that need to be filled)...we have missed you a lot, Willi Vanilli. what a weird week.
David's Uncle John, Aunt Sherry and cousin Bryan, who we visited in Kansas back in October, are coming here for a visit! We are so excited to see them...they are some of the most awesome people I know.
Calvary Chapel Circle City will hopefully get to have it's first worship service in the new facility this weekend....that is exciting stuff too. For the Easter service, David's parents, sisters and nieces are coming to visit also.
Mel, Levi, Molly and I made it home safely from Michigan City last night. We enjoyed our quick trip up there to visit David and E though it seems that an overnight trip is almost too much work for what you get from it. Beck, Tom, Nora, and Pipes rode up with us. Tom stayed to work. We got to see David's cool cousin, Brent, also. He lives up there and came to work for D for those days...I'll put those pix up later.
Molly, I love you immensely, but you REALLY wear me out. You also put before my face each day why I'm thankful that our childbearing, baby, toddler years are finished. sniff sniff. God gives each person an answer and you are it!
's all good!
Lots to do, lots to do...hope that this post finds you rejoicing in Christ's sacrifice and resurrection, enjoying the tame weather, and feeling joyful for the freedom to go about your business.