Even as a newborn, I was reaching out to my big bro!
Check out his body language....stay away, brat! Weren't my
parents cute??
at least Andy loved me...
Isn't this pic funny? I'm the one in the horrible striped shirt...I was pregolicious with Will so cut me some slack...Beck is in the middle, holding some of those lovely ceramic Cabbage Patch kids that Gma. T always gave us for Christmas. The girl on the opposite end is Tracy, she was dating Andy at the time...
I know I'm really stretching it today to be posting on such randomness but like I've said in my past posts, tough!! It's my blog! :P
I love my brothers and sister. Growing up, I know I took them for granted, and I probably still do to some degree but I just wanted to shout out to each one of you, Thomas, Andrew and Rebecca how much I love you and how much I thank the Lord for each one of you. You too, Mom and Dad...hope you all know how much I love ye!
Ahhh...yous a good sissy, you are!
I love, love, LOVE the old pics!! Your dad just looks ORNERY, I think... Maybe that's where you girls get it...?
Nice shirt, Pops!! Real groovy.
I love you, Thissy!!! I love Big and Bigger Bubbies, too. :) Did you mean to call me Rebeeca? Just curious if i was getting a new nickname...i don't have enough room on my bike for all of the nickname license plates...
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