Wednesday, January 23, 2008

I got a job....

peanut head gets a job
don't know if you can see B's wallpaper on the comp...but it's the pic of Triple C. yum yum
Dai, Molls, Beck and Jana....
don't get the Reese's whipped...they are nasty
again, nasty.
No, I already have a job...just doesn't involve much adult interaction (well, as much as I would want it to involve)...

I went to have lunch with my sissy today...let me set this up.

David and the 3 big kids went to Illinois late last night. I spent the night with my parentals. I got up this morning, went home and got ready to go have lunch with my sis. She works on the east side of Indpls...which is like a ghost town. We went and ate, and stopped at a gas station to grab something sweet...then I got to meet her office mates...Dai and Jana...nice, cute girls!! Nice to meet you chickies.
I have more to blog but I'm out the door to work out with my sister...we need to burn off our candy bars and hope this finds you all well, warm and healthy. Get well, Mom and Dad...


Sherry at the Zoo said...

What? You had a day off from schooling? You lucky dog, you!

Did you eat a candy bar for me? For some reason I didn't taste it if you did!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for coming to lunch yesterday! I had so much fun with you, like i always do! It was a nice change from having lunch with my breast pump! Sorry you had to get up so early this morning! It's so bleepin' cold out! I think P thought L was going to be going with her to school! Love ye!

Heather said...

Ah, yes, the East Side...the side that Bart forgot. Did you lunch at Rally's or the Village Pantry?...'cause that's about all we got! No matter, looks like you had fun despite the variety of choices. That's so nice that you had lunch together! I'm selfishly jealous.

Laurie and company said...

Sherry, I did get a day off...and it was almost more rushed and chaotic than being at home, doing our schoolwork. Lunch with my sis was worth it though.
B, it was so fun doing lunch, chatting with (almost) no interruptions, save Molly. We will have to do that again, though the east side scares me a bit.
Heather, it totally looks like Bart forgot your side of town...that abandoned mall freaked me out!! Maybe Ballard will pay attention but he's Repub. so probably not!! :) Next time, you need to do lunch with us as well! take a day off would ya?? we'd love to have you!!