Here's to you...o sporty one...this jumping picture is amazing...wish I had been the one to take it.
Picture number 2...Gma. T. is holding you, thinking "while this new one is cute, he will never replace dear Tommy" (my older brother)...and fave to all! jerk. just kiddin' Tom. You were cute in your #12 shirt...but not as cute as me in my cute pink bell bottoms. ;) Gpa. T. looks annoyed, like "Joan, you oughta quit procreating, really"...and Aunt Lanie looks so trendy in her beehive 'do, holding onto baby Scott...wasn't he a cutie?
This pic of me is just so funny because my body is still as husky and stumpy as it was at the age of nearly 3.
Sorry for the randomness of this post, I was thinking I could get my li'l bro to make a comment on my blog :) You know I love you, Andy! We are praying for you and the boys, hoping all is going well out your way! God Bless You!
Isn't it fun to look back? I bet he secretly checks out your blog all the time...he just doesn't know how to comment.
Did I tell you my internet is down? :-(
I feel cut-off from the universe.
Ahhh, big bubby... :) I love the pic of the jump...don't you wish you could've done that in your red and white coulotte (sp?) skort mess of a cheerleading uni? Gpa T does look irritated in that pic, it probably didn't get any better when i came along, either...
If you read this Andy, Hi! We love you guys! Hope all is well!!!
I just got caught up on the blogs of the past few days. Hope you are feeling okay. Sooch.
your bro was always such a cutie-pie! must be the name :) love your new blog format, btw. except now we don't have the same one! :(
Sherry, whoever you may be, I don't check the blog secretly, I check it openly and quite frequently, but without the internet, I don't feel disconnected from the universe for my life consisteth not in the abundace of things that I have ;)By the way, I'm just joking, kinda....Velvet, not sure who you are but thanks? Bible says a good name is rather to be chosen the great riches so yeah, I guess it's the name, cause Andrew means "stong and manly" ohhhhhh yeaaaahhhhhhhh lol again, just joking....Becky hey thanks we love you to and all is well as well as can be expected....Laurie, I love your blog and I check it on a regular basis (refer to comment to Cherry above)I seriously check it at least once a day when I'm not as busy as a one legged man in a butt kickin contest...I usually don't post cause it goes a little something like the afore mentioned comments. Thanks for all the pics.
Wow, Dukey, take it easy on my good friend Sherry! :)
I'm glad you have been checking out the blog...
I like the one legged man in a butt kicking contest...kind of sums it up, doesn't it?
I love you, A. you are in my thoughts and prayers daily!
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