Dawn, my loving cousin, got this amazing pic of our happy guy. |
Will with my Gram G. so glad my grandmas got to meet some of my babes. Will got to know her for 11 years of his life. |
MA gathers Will's stats while I talk to my invisible friend and Andy feeds me eggs. it is an understatement to say that we were all on Cloud 9. |
forgive this out of order picture...this is documented history. Will's first recorded pic of himself playing Legos. awww. |
Little blue peepers peeking out at the world. be still my heart. |
I absolutely cherish this pic. |
One of my life's most amazing moments. I wondered all that first night what I was supposed to do with that little cone-headed fella. |
this is one of my favorites. what a gift this is. I knew that. but now it is firmly planted in my mind and heart. Jack had this same little face and chin. It is hard yet strangely glorious to recall all of these pics and wonder what my sixth child would've been like, who he would've looked like. From those two days where I got to "see" him on earth, I do believe that he was built a lot like Will. I find myself sobbing as I type this. How poignant that he and Will had so much in common. so much. When I showed this pic to Mel this morning, and we did the comparisons that I'm so prone to make, she so eloquently pointed out "there lies one of your biggest encouragers" (referring to that little bundle in blue above and how he encourages me and so many these days!) Thank You, Lord, for the children You have given me. I give them all back to You.
Will even got to know my Gram Taylor. She died when he was newly 5. All of my kids have been really happy...right from the start. I am truly blessed. |
I'm out the door (as usual) to run errands and then we will be attending my friend, Kellie and her fam's Chili Cook Off. I am not bringing any chili.
I am so flippin' nostalgic right now, it's not even funny. I've already cried 2 times this morning...for this reason or that...I'm just in a whirlwind. I'm so thankful to God and can feel so angry all in a matter of moments.
giving over my wonky emotions to the Lord...
Hopin' you're having a good weekend...Molly's yelling from the tub! See ya!
Oh, I love the look back! You looks so happy, It is clear you so enjoying being a mommy. I was feeling weepy over my oldest recently turning 15 I can not imagine 18 :(
So cute! I love these pix, especially, the one of your Grandma Taylor as I had never seen that one. Of course, I haven't ever seen most of these. So cool that you are such an awesome picture taker/sharer.
But, I just have one question, why eggs?
Okay, now that that's off my chest, I hope that you enjoyed your chili cookoff...sounds like fun. Gives me ideas.
Have a great weekend,
What a sweet post! I can feel the emotion as I read...
Please know that although I'm not always commenting, I'm always following! In fact there's a shortcut on my phones homepage :) but most importantly please know I'm always praying sweet friend!
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