This is my birth kit...waiting and ready to be of service....
Here is everything else on my supply list, within arms reach of the midwives. I've been ready for way too long actually.
but apparently, Master Young is NOT. I know God is in control, and Jack will arrive when he's good and ready...but that does not make this any easier. I'm on hold. just not sure how much more of this I can physically take. I know, I'm whining. sorry.
I had consistent, 12 - 15 minute apart contractions in the middle of the night so naturally, I thought THIS IS IT!! yeah, no. I fell asleep, woke up and nothing. occasional twinges.
On a positive note, MH is coming at 11 today (less than an hour from now) and says she will do all in her power to get this thing started. I'm nervous, have to keep talking myself down from the ceiling but then I remind myself who is in control and all that good stuff. Perfect peace...He's delivered me 5 times before...and He will do it again. in His time. not mine.
That can be difficult to grasp, ya know? but a very promising reminder...
So, off to prepare for Mary Helen's visit and hopefully baby boy six. Hope this finds you enjoying this lovely almost last day of June...(our weather has been dreamy, actually!!)
UPDATE: MH just left...dilated to 3 cm, she definitely thinks by weekend but probably tonight or tomorrow. If he doesn't show up tonight, I begin castor oil bright and early. All the signs are in place, we are just waiting on Jack to put that old head down, which, when she checked, he moved it "Hey, don't touch me!". brat. :) Hope to be back with baby news in the next day or so. Thanks for the prayers and encouraging words. I love you.