This is Ol' Blue Eyes, deep as the ocean, Mr. Ryan...wasn't this kid just born? yeah, well, he's pulling up on things now and just growing up too darn fast. Just ask his Grandma Karel (who's holding him) and she will agree! He is really one of the cutest little dudes you'll ever meet.

Ry and his lovely Momma, Natalie. Strangely, I didn't get as many pix as I had planned to. So there are no pix of Ry's dad, Nick. Or my mother and father in law. I'm a picture taking loser.

David and his newest nephew, James, aka Jay. He had just gotten out of the hospital this very day (4/17), after he started eating like a champ. Also, the hole in his lung is healing! Yah!! I love that David is trying to look comfortable holding such a small human.

Mel and her new cousin

Hello Young man. yup, you do look a bit like your mom here...

3/4 of my guys taking in the newest guy in the Young fam...Levi was enthralled.

Emilie and her little guy!
On a totally unrelated note:

as I blogged the other day, here is the grouping of my fave kid pix. Once I got searching, I knew exactly what pics I wanted on this wall, but man, there were so many good pix of each of 'em. Notice the empty spot below Molly's pic? that's where #6 will go...can't WAIT to see who he looks like! I LOVE these faces...

All we need is a baby now...and for that red basket of pictures to be emptied.

I have begun gathering the supplies for the homebirth...what an exciting, yet scary time...all the little onesies, jammies, hats, blankies are ready, though I'm sure I will wash them again, refold them and try to imagine how it will be once Bebe gets here. Such a wonderful time. Such a final time. I am nesting already...8+ weeks to go. I'm now seeing Mary Helen every two weeks, today being my appointment. Baby is head down, like a good little guy, heart beat sounds so stinkin' strong, measuring 34 cm. BP is all good...
Now, to get past the lump in my throat that seems to constantly be here. I've done this 5 times before (childbirth) and I know what to expect. But it's different each time. and I'm 4 years older than last time. Slightly apprehensive to endure the unmedicated pain but I know that I've surrounded myself with good people that will get me thru it. I need to find a good Bible verse or two that I can dwell on, like I did for Molly's birth.
Ok, all that babble aside...I could blog more but I'm going to go now. I'm in a scrapbooking mood...why not? it's so darn cold outside....
1 comment:
2 blogs in one day! It is a Happy Earth Day and a wonderful Good Friday! Glad to know that you got the card, and believe me, I know how busy you are.
I would love to get our memories together; especially, once your family is complete with #6. And, I could enjoy the uniqueness that is each kiddoe. That would certainly be a treat.
I hope that you find a verse (Colossians 3:17, "and whatsoever you do in word or deed, do all to the glory of God in Christ Jesus..."). But, as I also found, the picture of Molly tapehead helped me through the tooth extraction. ;)
Anyway, just glad to see that all is well with numero seis!
Hugs to you and all of your crew, Tory
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