my favorite American History photograph....Hope your Independence Day was incredible!

Molly flanked by Caroline and her little cousin, Brady...

this was our view...the 'works were being shot off of the big blue-rimmed building (Regions), which just happens to house (well, don't know if it's still there actually) the Teller's Cage up there at the top. My parents took David and I there 17 years ago this month and it's where I took my bridesmaids for the bridal luncheon later that year...all that to say, nostalgia.

blurry...I'm hating my camera right now...it's very temperamental. grrr. but dig the condos behind Tammy...sha-zam!

Delaware St. before the lights display started.

Actually quite an amazing place to be, with little fireworks displays all around the city going off here and there...surreal! thanks for inviting us, K fam...and for letting me SWEAT all over you. (the only reason I would despise summer, really). I am, temperaturally, one of the hottest girls I know. Mom says I was this way as a baby too. what gives?

Tammy was seriously considering, well never mind...let's just say we were 7 levels up...the moms of the group were very jittery. Tammy, I heart you for holding Moo up so she could see...I was too hot and then, that whole heights thing seemed to make me even more steamy. Bobby was kind enough to run some of us into the Star bathroom before the show started...and let's just say, walking in a ginormous cement (which soaked up alllll the day's heat and poured it out onto ME) block caused overheat. and then I realized I had gotten some CHLORINE on my NEW shirt right before we left....too many heat-inducing factors for this refrigerated girl.

Hello people...


note: lotsa fireworks shots coming up...for posterity's sake...thank you for your patience.

They even had a SMILEY FACE firework this year...which I failed to get a pic of, but oh so cool!

One of the cons of being so close? Debris. lots of it....the first few times caused quite a commotion...and apparently, David got some in his eye...
Tambo holding cutie pie Brady. whatta good auntie...

we were sooo close that we had to tilt back...in fact, laying on blankets was the best viewing option...I will have to post those pix in the next post. even though they were alll dark.

the grand finale was, well, GRAND, to say the very least~! I have a feeling that we will need to be this close EVERY year from now on. hope that's ok, K fam. we are spoiled now! :)

Mel, Annie, and Sarah...
I shall start with yesterday, since it's the freshest...
the post title just refers to life and my perspective of it right now. doesn't have anything to do with my post! Just when I think things will start to ease up or maybe possibly get easier (gasp! dare I even hope??)...we are presented with new challenges...not necessarily bad. Esp. when we can remember that, for some unknown reason, the Lord knows what He's doing and it will be for our best...David and I were praying before he went to work this morning and it struck me how life is like a video game...and with God's help, I will know what button to push to defeat the enemy to make it to the next level.
yeah, I know. pretty deep for a Monday, eh?
ok, well, I'm gonna go move my room around...hope your weekend was great...i will return later to post Moo's party pix, drive in movie experiences and more fun activities like that.