Friday, January 2, 2009

And tell all the stars above, this is dedicated to the one I love...


Edit: Beck, I love you...I don't love this pic though. I look like a boy. my bulbous nose...I might get a nose job. yeah. that's what I'll do.
ok, g'night!


Laurie and company said...

hee hee..thanks B...I love that you can hijack my blog and do stuff like this. that is a horrible pic of me. but then again, when is it NOT a horrible pic of me. screwball face...that's me!
Love you!

love your could so totally blog! you know that right? what r u waiting 4? actually, you can just share mine! like you are! Yah!!

Laurie and company said...

you're a nut. It's not a bad pic of you at all!!! I don't know why you say that! If you want to see some baaad pics, i can find some! Maybe a blog can be a NY resolution...we'll see.

Laurie and company said...

sorry, i forgot that i was still logged in as you. now it looks like you're CRaaaaaazy...cybil

Heather said...

I wondered what the heck was going on! You're freaking me out...making me think I'm losing my mind...well, I AM, but...
One of my g'friends and her two sisters have a blog all together that's pretty entertaining. You could do THAT! I know, you two have ALL KINDS of free time.

Laurie and company said...

we could totally share this blog, Beck, I'm cool with that! just get on here and blog when ya feel like it!
Heather, you aren't losing your mind. yet! hee ha. :)