can you see the young man emerging?

Levi looks like he has an arm growing out of his neck...

when did you get here?

I think the girls are watching the Waltons...get back to work/destruction, Msquared...
Hey Beck...here are a few pix of the kids....pretty uneventful day...cleaning, cleaning, cleaning...what's new? will I always feel like a maid? gladly!
Yep, just like i remember them...Thanks!!! Love you all!!!you're be-yoo-ti-mous!
I love these pictures!
Cute kids! Gotta love pix of really cute kids...especially, Moo with her tongue hanging out. No wonder you don't have a doggie. ;) Sure hope that you had a good night out and didn't miss your grown kids too much. And, have a good weekend.
Love, t
they're ok...they have their moments.
thanks, though, everyone, for your kind words. means a lot to me.
thank you everyone!my mom just does not know a cute kid when she has one!!!
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