He has really been into wearing hats lately. This is his Santarossa hat.
O whatta whirlwind month we have just been through.
Can you buhleeeeeve that it's the first day of October?
Can you buhleeve that I'm going to get worse in the nostalgia department?
Are you going to keep coming to check out this blog, even so?
Please. pleasepleaseplease do.
I need some pic taking inspiration. Velvet always manages to get some really cool shots that she posts on her blog...and I guess I am missing THAT creative gene. got any helpful hints, o West Coast Beauty? Maybe I could take pics of all the crazy midwesterners withdrawing all their money from the banks. Or the diverse bumper stickers that you see around election time...I wish I'd had my cam with me at the Nissan dealer today. I struck up some convo with a very nice widowed lady...it was her first time buying a car since her hubby passed away three years ago. We got talking about checkbooks, checking accounts and how some people should just NOT be allowed to have them. (her and I).....soooooo, yes, Mom, I've turned into you.
And quite frankly, I'm ok with that.
love you mom. you too dad.
these are some totally and completely random shots from Sunday to now...hope the pix from last night didn't freak you out too badly. the childbirth pic is pretty tame. (you could come over and watch 4 of my 5 birth videos, if you are a girl, of course. Always a good time. always. and such excellent birth control. and a reminder to get a better hairdo before delivery day...anyways....)
Ok, time for school with Levi. Hope you are having a wonderful Wednesday...enjoying this lovely mild weather. I loooooooooooove it! Fall, you ROCK!
I love yellow fields. I love when the bail the hay in the fields. It looks orderly. That and neatly stacked wood piles. Is that weird?
wv:iagkgfs (I Gag! b/c the laundry is taking over...)
I love your nostalgia! Don't ever apologize for it! I agree, i cannot buhleeeve it's october. OMG, that means it's almost Christmas...not to ruin the mood, but it's almost time for...wait for it...CHRISTMAS PICS!!!! WOO HOO! We should get some nice pics in a park in the fall for that...just a thought. Mel C (NOT the spice girl) has some great pics that they did in the fall a few years back...i'm sure we could bribe her with a certain pomegranate drink to take some pics...
Stickers: no that is not weird that you enjoy hay bales in the field and neatly stacked piles of wood...goes right along with your organized mind.
Beck: thank you for loving the nostalgia...embrace the holidays. let's start now, k? ooo the dreaded CPix...ugh. fall pix would be a nice change...let's get scary spice to take some pix of us...o I mean, Mel, the lovely sis in law of yours, to take some...we will dangle pomegranate goodness in her face and we'll all have a goooood time!
I dread this. have I mentioned that?
love you, girls! you complete me.
Wow, step out to school for a few moments, and look at all the rich conversation that I miss out on. Glad that you guys are having fun. Tiny is surely that...just a Tiny little man...he will be something special one day, as will all of your kids, I am sure. As for the coffee drink...wow, that sounds really sinful and yummy! I am definitely all about the pumpkin right now...and, soon, it will be the turkey, stuffin' and pecan pie, too...yum, yum! BTW, I only have one favor to ask of you, please refrain from showing me your childbirth videos...hahaha... Hope you are having a good fall day! Hugs!
wv: omiqfai (o my question failed?)
pants was just yesterday waxing poetic about the pumpkin spice drinks from starbucks :) autumn always tastes so good!
even though these last few weeks have felt l-o-n-g, the year as a whole is flying by. the kids and i just put up halloween decs today! what in the world!!
and i think your pics are great! my tip is...take a gazillion, and there's gotta be a good one in the bunch somewhere. right? :)
This friend is hoping you stop by some Tuesday... I know you're busy, though. Drat, I even missed the honking this time.
Are we getting together this weekend? Huh? Huh? Email me!
Love you,
Oh and by the way -- you said we could watch 4 of the 5 birth videos. Are there only 4? Or is the 5th one unsharable for some reason? Just curious...
Not that I WANT to watch them. I actually want to ignore the fact that I will be experiencing childbirth again soon, at least until the last possible moment when it becomes "painfully" obvious. La la la la la (plugging ears)....
my husband would never order that drink for me. he gets so easily irritated over my long coffee requests....
Nothing since Tuesday? What's the world coming to? Guess, you haven't refound your inner blogging essence...don't worry, I can feel it coming back! And, when it does, I will be there waiting with bad (oops, I mean bated...hahahaha) breath.
Love ya, princess punkin!
wv: fgiifeu
hee hee. bad breath. impatient coffee ordering hubbies...u guys crack me up.
I'd type more but something's up with my keyboard.
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