Happy Birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday, dear Nora, happy birthday to YOU!!

Becky's last pregnant moments...glad and thankful I got to share in that! Whatta blessing!

Nora, you were kind of a runt...but what a cute runt!

whatta moment

Most of my parents grandkids

Playing football with Phil H. you being the football

hopefully that reddish hair will stay!
hangin' with Uncle Tom
Ya gotta love the nickname bestowed upon Becky's babychild. Darn that Nora Jean. too easy!
I cannot believe that this child is ONE! I know I say this a lot. Time is going by toooo quickly.
One year ago today, Becky & Scott welcomed their 2nd daughter. She was born at 3:55 am, weighing in at 5 pounds, 11.6 ounces...she was the skinniest, reddest baby I had ever laid peepers on...blonde hair, all Cunniff...So teeny tiny!
Can't wait to celebrate your birthday this coming Friday evening. I know we are meeting for some pizza tonight also, in honor of your actual BIRTHday!
We love you, Miss Nora! So glad Mollsy has a little built-in playmate. Much to your chagrin.
You know, she looks like she is trying to get off the scale in that one picture. And, she might have been smaller than The Mooster, but she sure looked like she knew just what was going on. Like a little Yoda...yeah, that's what she looks like. Although, not so sure that Beck and Nora would like that one. So, once again, happy birthday, Nora Jean Lil Coffee Bean! (You guys sure have a LOT of birthdays. hahaha...)
Thanks for posting for Bean's bday! I can't believe that she and Moo are both one and both about the same size now! How funny! Nora looks horrible in the picture with Tom. You can tell that she doesn't feel well...and no, we don't hope that the red hair stays (sorry to any redheads, but hers would have the tendency to be ORANGE RED)...thanks for coming to dinner last night! It's always good to see the whole bunch (- David of course). xoxo
BTW, I just wanted you to know that after being on your website, I have now seen that Bumbo seat everywhere...even Regis' grandkid has one. You guys made it famous! ;)
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