Monday, October 15, 2007


nearly Four
The Big Five
Six...standing in our future house...
Happy Day of your birth, ol' boy! Will, Wilson, Wilbur, name is just Will though) hope your day is trouble-free...Will gets to go to the orthodonist to have his fake tooth put back in his braces, then home to help us work on the new porch, making it accessible for the winter (but by no means "finished")...then we get to work on our daily chores and school when David leaves for work...if we don't have their party on their actual birthday, we usually have cupcakes or a lighted candy bar and try to sing to the kid at the time of their birth (unless you are Melanie and were born at 4:06 a.m.)...We may have some creamy crockpot chicken for his birthday...and see if my family wants to eat with us...or we may not. Also, if any of you have any good, original suggestions on what to buy these adolescent people, I'm all ears...they are so in between toys and clothes. so, we will have to figure out what we are going to do for him for this birthday.
Ok, well, I'm off to prepare my next post...the rest of the pix from the Days of Will's Life. G'night!!

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