this sweet boy...oh I wanna sniff and snuggle his sweet nugget head here....had an eye appointment yesterday.
He will be wearing glasses very soon. His right eye is lazy...so is his mother.
long sad story.
but victory comes thru Jesus.
Thank you for being so incredibly awesome, Levner, my boy.
I just love you more than you could ever know. |
I'm pretty sure I'd die without this chick and I look forward to seeing her a lot more in the coming (home) school year. Yahhhh! |
I've probably blogged this already but it's kinda goofy.
Melanie, I miss you. Hope you're having fun in Illinois with your girl cousins on the Young side!
Oh and this pic is for you, Dad. |
K, these little oldies....ahhhh. While scrolling thru iPhoto, I felt the need to share some of this two year old goodness with you, since I've been so horrible about taking pics with my camera, but wow, don't ya just love Instagram?
Ha ha. I stink. |
All of these pix above just make my heart swell and bring a joy like no other.
I'm feeling extremely reflective, poignant, thankful this evening. |
Good Tuesday evening, almost Wednesday morning.
For real, I'm just sorta at a loss for what to spend my time writing on here.
So many good and so many challenging (some good challenges, some hard, bad, stupid) things on my/our plates right now.
A few prayer concerns I'd like to put on the table here:
Aunt Sherry M. - She had shoulder surgery today. Uncle John called to say it was a success and that she was in recovery. We will know more tomorrow and pray we get to see her. Even with serious shoulder pain, she is one of the most tender hearted, bear hug givers you'll ever want to meet. I love her greatly.
Christine K. - this dear, dear woman of God and sister in Christ is at home, waiting to meet her Savior, while her husband lovingly cares for her and her sons stay close. Tashena and I went to see them today. There is really nothing quite like being at the gates of Glory. She is only 42 so this hits close to home. She is also a fellow stillborn momma...sweet baby Marcus. It was one of the hardest yet sweetest moments of my life.
Levi T. Young - one of the most amazing little fellas you'll ever meet...I failed to get his eyes checked. We've had the insurance for a very long time, but I just assumed that, because Will, E and Mel's initial eye checks back about 5-6 years ago went well, that Levi would be ok to wait on a check up. Stupid. David took him with him for an check up yesterday...blown away when he was told that Levi's right eye is lazy, with about 20% vision....and here's the kicker: it could've been treated and probably resolved a lot of the issues if he'd gotten in as a toddler or younger child. Nine is when the window closes. Really? After kicking myself, crying a lot and asking for his forgiveness, we've committed ourselves to patching his eye for 2 hours a day, as he works on his eye-hand coordination and praying for a miracle. Even so, he looks darn tootin' cute in his new specs, which he shall be getting within 10 days.
Forgiveness all across the board: If you need to forgive someone or seek forgiveness, may I suggest you do so? I'm on the first leg of a long journey...and this is just one part (many areas I am working on. e.g. big mouth, pride, comparing etc)....forgiveness is anger's worst enemy. Sitting with Christine today just put so many things in
perspective...grudges, offenses, jealousies, hatred, condescensions....lay them all aside. The Lord is dealing with me in such HUGE ways. Refining is painful but it is proof of his Mercy and Love for His children.
Thank You, Lord, for the journey...
in the words of Steven Curtis Chapman's new song
"Long Way Home"..
I set out on a great adventure, the day my Father started leading me home
He said "There's gonna be some mountains to climb and some valleys we're gonna go thru"
But I had no way of knowing, just how hard this journey could be
Cuz the valleys are deeper and the mountains are steeper than I ever would've dreamed
But I know we're gonna make it
I know we're gonna get there soon (you go, Chris!!)
I know sometimes it feels like we're going the wrong way
It's just a long way home...
I've got some rocks in my shoes, fears I wish I could lose
That make the mountain so hard to climb
And my heart gets so heavy with the weight of the world sometimes
There's a bag of regrets, should've beens and not yets
I keep on dragging around...
And I can hardly wait for the day I get to lay it all down (AMEN!!)
Well, I know that day is coming
I know it's gonna be here soon
And I won't turn back even if the whole world says I'm going the wrong way
Cuz it's just a long way home
When we can't take another step, Our Father will pick us up and
Carry us in His arms (and He does.)
Even on the best days, He says to remember we're not home yet
So don't get
too comfortable cuz really all we are is just pilgrims passing thru. (Seeya!)
ˇˇˇ little whistle and adorable guitarˇˇˇˇ
Heyy yeahhh yeah
Well, I know we're gonna make it
And I know we're gonna get there soon
So I'll keep on singing and believing what all of my songs say
Cuz our God has made a promise
And I know everything He says is true and
I know wherever we go, He will
never leave us
Cuz He's gonna lead us home.
Every single step of the long way home.
Keep on, we're gonna make it.
We're just taking the long way home....
<< a wonderful song >> and so full of joy. This man has suffered the tragic loss of a child. It makes you wanna just die. I wish I could put it on my blog (the song)...I hear it and I just sigh and thank the Lord for music that reminds me that this crazy, painful, occasionally beautiful world is NOT MY HOME.
Or yours, Christine. Godspeed, my precious, courageous friend.
And someday, your eyes will be perfect and see heaven, Levi. dollbaby.
And your shoulders will be bionic, Aunt Sherry. But even so, you give the best hugs and we love you so.
And friends won't stop talking to you or ditch you or not answer you when you ask what you did wrong or give up on you...it will all seem ridiculous in the Light of His glory.
And and and....
Good night...putting my God goggles on as I head to bed. (very similar to tear goggles, Tory. Thank you, dear cousin, for the letter I got yesterday. You just floor me and I just love your updates and sharing!! Love you)